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Message from our NER of the WOCN President Donna Loehner


Hello New England Region of the WOCN,

Lots of great things are coming your way. For those of us who love New England, it has been a very cold winter. While snuggled up with a home-made quilt and a cup of tea, it’s given me some time to give attention to our membership. Our board is hard at work meeting the needs of our membership using the input you shared with us at the Fall Conference. Our board plans to get together in March for a Strategic Planning meeting so we can establish goals for the coming year that will provide more networking opportunities and hopefully more educational offerings. Networking is such a vital aspect of our profession, especially those WOC nurses who practice alone.

We are also hoping to revise our website to make it more interactive but better yet, keep it updated with information that is useful in your practice.

With the hopes to engage our membership more, we hope you stay tuned for a Zoom invitation for February 23rd where you will be able to network with your colleagues. Visiting nursing is an integral part for those who work in acute care. We hope you can join in the discussion to help work together with the challenges we face with discharging our patients home as well as how to care for them at home with limited staff. Stay tuned for an invitation to attend our Zoom session February 23rd.

We have some great news for you all. We are changing venues for this year for our Fall Conference. We will be having our conference at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut October Friday October 21, 2022- Saturday, October 22, 2022. You will find this venue has more of a National Conference feel to it.

Some of the attractions are:

-Updated AV equipment with larger screens on both sides of meeting hall

-Over 50 restaurants in addition to retail shops that you can enjoy during your down time (we hope to build in some down time during conference)

-Entertainment at night (Keith Urban has a concert Friday night) yet still maintain a high caliber of a conference that we have always offered you with evidence based practice educational sessions

For those of you who choose only one conference each year, this venue may be more economically pleasing as it avoids a flight expense to the National Conference.

I look forward to seeing you all Feb 23rd. Please feel free to reach out to myself or those on the board found on our website

Donna Loehner

President New England Region of the WOCN



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